martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Why did you choose your career?

Throughout primary school, my dream of job was be a doctor, I wanted help the people, but it was not until high school that I realized I was not made for be a doctor. In the high school I met the chemistry and biology, from that moment I decided when I finish the school I was going to study Chemistry. My decision it was firm, but in the moment of applying to universities I change my decision, what I really wanted was to be a scientist dedicated to research.

Now I study Biochemistry, until the moment the career is wonderful, is another world, the classes are interesting, and I have laboratory, at school we never went because there was no time. I hope to get the title and continue studying, maybe do the doctorate, and also to work on research.

2 comentarios:

  1. You made the best decision!!! Biochemistry rules <3! Still now, I havn't a clear idea about what do a Chemistry, hehe.
    I hope you continue enjoying the career
    See u!

  2. Imagine there's no bioquimics
    it's easy if you try, but how would be the world without
