miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

Summer holidays

Holidays. I love that word. When someone talks about holidays my thought is "Please, holidays come sooner”.  But every year the holidays are shorter and shorter, in fact the next holidays only will be for one month, and I hate that, I mean, why the “life” try do my life more miserable than already it is? I don't know (actually I know, is because I didn't share the chain I was sent in 2007).
My plans or ideas for these summer holidays are nothing, because this summer I will have holidays only in February and my dad has days off only in January, actually every year we go on vacation the first weeks of January. So I was thinking in get a job and save money (I am the worst person to save money)
The places I would like to visit, first England, specifically London, because I think the culture is very interesting and so different from here.  Also (I cannot leave it out), I love their accent, is so refined. If someday I can go, I would visit every attraction that I can, like the Buckingham Palace and the Changing of the Guard, The Big Ben, Hyde Park, The London Eye, among other.  The people with I would like share my vacations are my family or my friends.
What activities I thinking of being part? If I could I would bungee jumping, skydiving, paragliding, or climb mountains. And also be part of a car race, I really like the adrenaline.

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Addiction: From coffee and tea to drugs of abuse

The closest I've been to drugs are the alcohol, cigarette and coffee.  First I drink alcohol only when I go to parties or things like that and coffee only when the weather's cold.  On the other hand I think that the cigarette is disgusting (Of course I tried it when I was child because everybody did it), I hate the smell, and when the smokers have the impregnated odor.
Why I never have tried something harder? I think that apart of the medical uses, drugs are some way to escape from reality, our problems, and I prefer solve them.
Some benefits of drugs are:
  • ·         Served as treatments for different syndromes, like Posttraumatic stress syndrome.
  • ·         Some drugs lower anxiety levels and act as antidepressants.
  • ·         Others amplify and stimulate the senses.

Well, Drug addiction is dangerous to one’s health because it can make the addict more susceptible to illness and disease. A person suffering from an addiction may be more prone to accidents that may result in injury and even death. Addiction can lead to interactions with people who are dangerous and situations that can lead to violence or homicide. Pregnant teens, or anyone who is pregnant and addicted to drugs, put their babies in danger and may have a miscarriage or deliver prematurely.  Some withdrawal symptoms are nausea, vomiting, sweating, shaking or seizures, among others.

Today I don't know any close people who are addicted to drug of abuse. 

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Post-graduate studies

Think about the post graduate studies is something so far away, I mean I am in the freshman year and I still have a few years left to have my major in biochemistry (Although the people say that the years fly by).
In the future I want to take a Ph.D. degree in biochemistry, why? Well if you don´t know I would like work in something related with the investigation, and a Ph.D. degree is perfect for that.
I would like studies out of the country, but if something prevent me, the University of Chile offers a Ph.D. program in biochemistry and looks very nice, it could be a very good option.
About the program: The Ph.D. in biochemistry was created in 1978 and has formed 124 doctors. The purpose of the program it is the training of researchers of the highest level, able to direct and carry out in an autonomous way, original research whose results constitute a substantial contribution to the scientific or technological knowledge in this discipline. These researchers must be able to perform in the various fields of biochemistry, so that they become effective drivers of the development of scientific research in its basic aspects and technological applications, in order to contribute to the development and culture of the country.
Some lines of investigation are toxicology, molecular biology, neuroscience, among many others.