martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

What do you think when you hear the words nanotechnology or micro-technology? Well, I thought it was something small, but, How small? Let's see it.
  • What are they? "Nanotechnology " is used extensively to define the science and techniques applied to the nano scale level , this is extremely small(nano) measures for working and manipulating atoms and their molecular structures. Micro-technology is the technology that enables us to manufacture things on the micron scale . A micron is a millionth of a meter, or to give a clearer idea thousandth of a millimeter.
  • Materials: Such as carbon nano-tubes and fullerenes other , and various nanoparticles and nanoroides.
  • Instruments: The atomic force microscope, the scanning tunneling microscope, among others. 
  • Techniques: X-ray lithography, optical lithography, the electron beam lithography or nanoimprint lithography,etc.
  • What they are used for?                     
  1. Stockpiling, Production and energy conversion.
  2. Weapons and defense systems
  3. Agricultural production.
  4. Treatment and water remediation
  5. Diagnostic and screening of diseases.
  6. Drug delivery systems.
  7. Food processing.
  8. Remediation of air pollution.
  9. Construction.
  10. Health monitoring.
  11. Detection and control of pests.
  12. Control of malnutrition in poor places.
  13. Computing.
  14. Transgenic foods.
  15. Molecular thermal changes (Nanotermología).
  • What importance they have in your career? I think that the nanotechnology and microtechnology are very important in my career because the biochemistry is a science that need this technology for the investigation.
  • What impact they may have in human welfare? This type of technology has a big impact, especially in health.
  • Disadvantages: 
  1. Are important if changes in the structure of society and the political system.
  2. The Power of nanotechnology could be the cause of a new arms race between two competing countries. Production of weapons and spy gadgets could cost much lower than the current being also the smallest, powerful and numerous products.
  3. The Inexpensive production and duplication of designs could lead to major changes in the economy.
  • Advantages: 
  1. The Water scarcity is a serious and growing problem. Most of the consumption of water used in production systems and agriculture, which manufacture products using molecular manufacturing could transform.
  2. The Infectious diseases cause problems in many parts of the world. simple products such as pipes, filters and mosquito nets could reduce this problem.
  3. Information And communication are useful tools, but in many cases do not even exist. With nanotechnology, computers would be extremely cheap.

        1 comentario:

        1. Don't you think that your post is too long? You worked really hard, right? Take a breath or you will die young :(
