martes, 2 de agosto de 2016

The most enjoyable subject thus far...

To choose my favorite subject is not too easy, there two subject that I like too much, but I just have to choose one…
Well, my favorite subject is “Chemical laboratory techniques”, which consist in learn to use the instruments of laboratory and also we learn the techniques more basics, like how pull apart two subtances  or how make a titration, amog other things.
Why I like this subject? For the simple reason that I really like use my hands to make some destillation, even though I am very bad and all the time I make a mistake, but I know that I need practice.
I think that it is obvious that this subject is more practical than theoretical, but that doesn’t mean that is not theoretical.
Other information about the subject:
·         There are seventy-six students in the subject
·         The coordinating theacher is Aida Ahumada T.
The importance of the theacher in the lab is very important, because the students need some help, sometimes it can happen an accident. And the importance of the subject in the career is very high because is the base for every subject in the future.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice post! You're right, chemical laboratory techniques is hard, but ins ome way, also its funny! See youuuu
