miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

English language challenges

Before talk about the English language, I want to say that I never know how start a new post, I mean, like half the time I think in how start, or what I will write. I see my companions and they look so inspired, that gives me so much envy. 
Returning to the central theme, the experience learning English at the university has differences and similarities from school, because in the school we never wrote a blog (and it’s cool, but I “hate” it because I never feel inspired), nevertheless in my school we also had classes to interact with a classmate, or to listen to conversations in English, complete an English book, oral presentations, Key English Test (KET), Preliminary English Test (PET), among other things. Appear to be more similarities than differences.
What about the use of blogs?  As I said before, I think it is a wonderful experience, where I learn to improve my grammar and spelling, and not only that, it is an opportunity to express our thoughts, but I hate it (not really hate it) because I am a person who never feel inspired, or maybe isn’t I never feel inspired, maybe I am a person of few words.
The aspects of my English need to be improved are the fluidity, learn more scientific language and sharpen my ear. My plan to improve this things is… I haven’t plans, I mean now that you ask me, I could say that I need practice and watch all the series and movies in English. 
Outside the English class I use the English when I need to read something, when I see some series and, when I talk with my sister sometimes us “speak” in English. 

Changes to my study programme

In the programme of a career normally there are changes, I mean, it is assumed that with years of experience the university must improve programs, for improve the quality of professionals who graduate.
If you don’t know this year all the careers of the faculty (Chemical and pharmaceutical sciences) suffered a change in their curriculum, first the names of the subjects were changed for example the last year it was “Math 1” and now is called “Introduction to the calculation”. Second there are more subjects, this change is supposed to benefit us but, what about the workload?.

There are still many things to improve, like the infrastructure because there are many students for such a small space, and that is a big problem because in the lunch time there aren’t enough space for everybody, also when the weather is cold and it's raining the spaces with ceiling become small.
About the teaching methods  I think are great, most of the teachers are friendly, but something that I hate are the teaching materials, I mean it could be more complete.

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

Summer holidays

Holidays. I love that word. When someone talks about holidays my thought is "Please, holidays come sooner”.  But every year the holidays are shorter and shorter, in fact the next holidays only will be for one month, and I hate that, I mean, why the “life” try do my life more miserable than already it is? I don't know (actually I know, is because I didn't share the chain I was sent in 2007).
My plans or ideas for these summer holidays are nothing, because this summer I will have holidays only in February and my dad has days off only in January, actually every year we go on vacation the first weeks of January. So I was thinking in get a job and save money (I am the worst person to save money)
The places I would like to visit, first England, specifically London, because I think the culture is very interesting and so different from here.  Also (I cannot leave it out), I love their accent, is so refined. If someday I can go, I would visit every attraction that I can, like the Buckingham Palace and the Changing of the Guard, The Big Ben, Hyde Park, The London Eye, among other.  The people with I would like share my vacations are my family or my friends.
What activities I thinking of being part? If I could I would bungee jumping, skydiving, paragliding, or climb mountains. And also be part of a car race, I really like the adrenaline.

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Addiction: From coffee and tea to drugs of abuse

The closest I've been to drugs are the alcohol, cigarette and coffee.  First I drink alcohol only when I go to parties or things like that and coffee only when the weather's cold.  On the other hand I think that the cigarette is disgusting (Of course I tried it when I was child because everybody did it), I hate the smell, and when the smokers have the impregnated odor.
Why I never have tried something harder? I think that apart of the medical uses, drugs are some way to escape from reality, our problems, and I prefer solve them.
Some benefits of drugs are:
  • ·         Served as treatments for different syndromes, like Posttraumatic stress syndrome.
  • ·         Some drugs lower anxiety levels and act as antidepressants.
  • ·         Others amplify and stimulate the senses.

Well, Drug addiction is dangerous to one’s health because it can make the addict more susceptible to illness and disease. A person suffering from an addiction may be more prone to accidents that may result in injury and even death. Addiction can lead to interactions with people who are dangerous and situations that can lead to violence or homicide. Pregnant teens, or anyone who is pregnant and addicted to drugs, put their babies in danger and may have a miscarriage or deliver prematurely.  Some withdrawal symptoms are nausea, vomiting, sweating, shaking or seizures, among others.

Today I don't know any close people who are addicted to drug of abuse. 

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Post-graduate studies

Think about the post graduate studies is something so far away, I mean I am in the freshman year and I still have a few years left to have my major in biochemistry (Although the people say that the years fly by).
In the future I want to take a Ph.D. degree in biochemistry, why? Well if you don´t know I would like work in something related with the investigation, and a Ph.D. degree is perfect for that.
I would like studies out of the country, but if something prevent me, the University of Chile offers a Ph.D. program in biochemistry and looks very nice, it could be a very good option.
About the program: The Ph.D. in biochemistry was created in 1978 and has formed 124 doctors. The purpose of the program it is the training of researchers of the highest level, able to direct and carry out in an autonomous way, original research whose results constitute a substantial contribution to the scientific or technological knowledge in this discipline. These researchers must be able to perform in the various fields of biochemistry, so that they become effective drivers of the development of scientific research in its basic aspects and technological applications, in order to contribute to the development and culture of the country.
Some lines of investigation are toxicology, molecular biology, neuroscience, among many others.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

Your Future Job...

What kind of job would you like to have? In the future I want have a job that have relation with the investigation.
How do you imagine it? I think that I will stay all the day in the laboratory, doing experiments and look like a crazy scientist. That would be great.
Outdoors /indoors? Indoors, but just because is difficult work in the laboratory outdoors, or so I think.
Would you like to travel a lot in your job? Actually yes, that would be amazing, I've always wanted travel the world, and if my job I may, I would be very grateful. That would be put together two things that I like
What about the salary? This is a hard question because I would like have a good salary, but everything depends of the work you do, and if you do it well or not.
What major are you studying /are you thinking of taking? I am a student of biochemistry, so in the future I hope get a major in biochemistry. And after that I'm not really sure if I will want to get the professional title, because I prefer, as I mentioned before, go by the side of the investigation, so I would like to get a Ph. D or master degree more than professional degree.
PD: Today I haven't inspiration…
Resultado de imagen para crazy scientist

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

Digressing about music: songs, dances, melodies, groups, films...

If I should choose some kind of music, I think my favourite is the pop, but I like all kind of music, less the heavy metal. (I didn't say that is bad, just isn't my type of music).
The instrument I really like is the piano, I think is one of the most amazing instrument in the world, the sound is so deep and sweet. Listen how to play the piano is something worthwhile do. But for my bad luck I don't know play the piano.
Others instrument that I like to hear are the guitar, the castanets and the drum kit.
Singers or bands that I like? I remember that I wrote about this in my first post, whatever, as I like many types of music, I shall mention a few of different styles, well one of my favorites are Selena Gomez, Imagine dragons, The beach boys, Los prisioneros, among others singers.
When I was in primary school apart of the pop music I liked the reggaeton, but now not that I hate, but I do not have it in my Spotify list. It’s funny because although I not hear it, always I learn the hits of the moment.
Ending the post I want write about a music of a film, I like the song of "Saturday night fever", the name is "Stayin’ Alive" of Bee Gees, and I think that everybody knows the song.

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

Our Amazing Human Body: Brain

I think the most amazing organ in our body is the brain, is so wonderful that is the organ in charge most of the human body functions.
Well, the brain is located in the head protected by the cranium. Besides, of all the weight of our body, the brain only represents between 0.8% and 2% (approximately 1300 to 1600 grams).
The functions of the brain are many, I might write all the day about the brain, but that is not the idea, so, I will summarize.
Resultado de imagen para brain parts
The brain processes sensory information, controls and coordinates the movement, behavior, feelings and can prioritize homeostatic body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, fluid balance and body temperature. However, the responsible for carrying automatic process is the medulla oblongata.

What illnesses can alter its normal functioning? Inflammation in the brain can lead to problems such as loss of vision, weakness and paralysis. The loss of brain cells that occurs when one suffers a stroke, can affect the ability to think clearly. Brain tumors can also press some nerves and affect brain function. Some brain diseases are genetic; in others, such as Alzheimer's disease, the cause is unknown.
A balanced diet is essential to promote brain health. We must also avoid stress, proper rest and encourage neural connections learning something new every day.
Resultado de imagen para cerebro ejercitado

Important information: 
  • Only about 5 minutes without enough oxygen for brain, damage occurs. 
  • There are no pain receptors in the brain itself, is, this organ can not feel pain.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

The best holidays OR concert ever

Everytime that I must choose something, makes me think a lot, but in this case it was very easy…
The best holidays were four years ago, exactly in february of 2012. With my family  we went to my aunt house to a town named Rafael, in Tomé, in the south of Chile.
Well, the place is countryside, the house is in a hill and when you see around everything are trees, amazing! Also in the surroundings there's a creek that pass for the forest (that is in front of the house). In the night everything's so quiet, without noise, and the sky is full of stars, such beautiful.
But  the place has something "spooky" (isn't spooky)  because like 600 metres far away from the house there is a abandoned house, it's private property but I went, and the house is very impaired and covered by trees, and to get there you must cross a  small road, which is covered by trees.

What else? The holidays were amazing because, first the aunt house has a pool, also the beach is half an hour. Second we visited a lot of places, wonderful places. And the last and most important we had fun in family.

PD: I don't have photos because are in my laptop, and the laptop died.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

A country you would like to visit.

Flag of England.svgI have never been to England, so I would like to go. Why? Well, I think the culture is very interesting and so different from here.  Also (I cannot leave it out), I love their accent, is so refined.
Talking about what I know about the country, obviously only I know what I've seen on TV or surfing the web. First, England  It is part of Britain. The capital is London, and if you don´t know has a great tourist attraction, like The London Eye, British museum, Science museum, among many other places that they must be wonderful. 
A little culture…
Architecture: Many ancient stone monuments still standing were built in prehistory.  Among the best known include Stonehenge, Standing Stones known as The Devil's Arrows, Rudston monolith and Castlerigg stone circle.
Gastronomy: Examples of English food, include the Sunday roast, a dish usually made with beef, lamb or chicken, served with mixed vegetables. Other is the full English breakfast, usually consisting of bacon, grilled tomato, baked beans, fried mushrooms, sausage and eggs.
Literature and poetry: One of the most biggest author is William Shakespeare, other known authors are Dickens, Brontë sisters, Jane Austen, Kipling,  C. S. Lewis, J. K. Rowling, etc.
Music: Many nursery rhymes are of English origin, or associated with English culture, as "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". In the field of popular music have many English bands and solo artists like The beatles, Rolling Stones, Queen, The who, among others.

What would I like to do there? Visit all tourist attractions, tour the city, all I can do. 
Would I like to study/work/live there? I would like study or live there, I really would like to better learn the language and to learn your accent, so either of the two options would be good for me.
Resultado de imagen para inglaterra

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2016

My blogging experience

How to start? Well, the blogging experience is something totally new for me. I had never written a blog in my life, so far. Also I think it is a wonderful experience, where I learn to improve my grammar and spelling, and not only that, It is an opportunity to express our thoughts.
Talking about my writing skills, I think  they are much better than at the beginning of course, I learn new words like "mischief", is a fact that writing the blog has done to expand my vocabulary.
What else I would like to write about? I have many ideas I would like to add in the future,  one of this ideas is "talk about the environment", and not only that, can convince people who read the blog that the environment is important, and we must take care. Also I want to write about daily things, with which people feel identified. Other idea is write about places of the world, but places that nobody knows, I think is a very interesting and intriguing idea. This are some ideas.
To sum up, the blogging experience is so fun, cool and refreshing. If you want to start a blog you must know that you need much inspiration, but worth exploiting our head trying to find inspiration.

PD: This is my last entry, but I hope to see you soon. xoxo

martes, 9 de agosto de 2016

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

What do you think when you hear the words nanotechnology or micro-technology? Well, I thought it was something small, but, How small? Let's see it.
  • What are they? "Nanotechnology " is used extensively to define the science and techniques applied to the nano scale level , this is extremely small(nano) measures for working and manipulating atoms and their molecular structures. Micro-technology is the technology that enables us to manufacture things on the micron scale . A micron is a millionth of a meter, or to give a clearer idea thousandth of a millimeter.
  • Materials: Such as carbon nano-tubes and fullerenes other , and various nanoparticles and nanoroides.
  • Instruments: The atomic force microscope, the scanning tunneling microscope, among others. 
  • Techniques: X-ray lithography, optical lithography, the electron beam lithography or nanoimprint lithography,etc.
  • What they are used for?                     
  1. Stockpiling, Production and energy conversion.
  2. Weapons and defense systems
  3. Agricultural production.
  4. Treatment and water remediation
  5. Diagnostic and screening of diseases.
  6. Drug delivery systems.
  7. Food processing.
  8. Remediation of air pollution.
  9. Construction.
  10. Health monitoring.
  11. Detection and control of pests.
  12. Control of malnutrition in poor places.
  13. Computing.
  14. Transgenic foods.
  15. Molecular thermal changes (Nanotermología).
  • What importance they have in your career? I think that the nanotechnology and microtechnology are very important in my career because the biochemistry is a science that need this technology for the investigation.
  • What impact they may have in human welfare? This type of technology has a big impact, especially in health.
  • Disadvantages: 
  1. Are important if changes in the structure of society and the political system.
  2. The Power of nanotechnology could be the cause of a new arms race between two competing countries. Production of weapons and spy gadgets could cost much lower than the current being also the smallest, powerful and numerous products.
  3. The Inexpensive production and duplication of designs could lead to major changes in the economy.
  • Advantages: 
  1. The Water scarcity is a serious and growing problem. Most of the consumption of water used in production systems and agriculture, which manufacture products using molecular manufacturing could transform.
  2. The Infectious diseases cause problems in many parts of the world. simple products such as pipes, filters and mosquito nets could reduce this problem.
  3. Information And communication are useful tools, but in many cases do not even exist. With nanotechnology, computers would be extremely cheap.

        viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016

        Websites you enjoy visiting

        Let´s see, I enjoy visiting many websites, but if they are only related to my career I choose two:    

                I) OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man):               
        • Link:  http://www.omim.org/ 
        • OMIM is a comprehensive, authoritative compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes that is freely available and updated daily. The full-text, referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all known mendelian disorders and over 15,000 genes. OMIM focuses on the relationship between phenotype and genotype. It is updated daily, and the entries contain copious links to other genetics resources.   
        • Why I like it? Because I think that OMIM is the most incredible website about disorders in the world, and  I really love everything about the mental diseases. I recommended it 100 percent. Currently I visit the website when I have free time, maybe once a  week.

                II) NCBI ( National Center for Biotechnology Information):
        • Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
        • The NCBI has been charged with creating automated systems for storing and analyzing knowledge about molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics; facilitating the use of such databases and software by the research and medical community; coordinating efforts to gather biotechnology information both nationally and internationally; and performing research into advanced methods of computer-based information processing for analyzing the structure and function of biologically important molecules.   
        • I like this website, because if you want about the latest research, something about science, among other, you should enter to this page. How often I visit the site? Well, not ussully, but when I do, I really enjoy surf in the website. 

        martes, 2 de agosto de 2016

        The most enjoyable subject thus far...

        To choose my favorite subject is not too easy, there two subject that I like too much, but I just have to choose one…
        Well, my favorite subject is “Chemical laboratory techniques”, which consist in learn to use the instruments of laboratory and also we learn the techniques more basics, like how pull apart two subtances  or how make a titration, amog other things.
        Why I like this subject? For the simple reason that I really like use my hands to make some destillation, even though I am very bad and all the time I make a mistake, but I know that I need practice.
        I think that it is obvious that this subject is more practical than theoretical, but that doesn’t mean that is not theoretical.
        Other information about the subject:
        ·         There are seventy-six students in the subject
        ·         The coordinating theacher is Aida Ahumada T.
        The importance of the theacher in the lab is very important, because the students need some help, sometimes it can happen an accident. And the importance of the subject in the career is very high because is the base for every subject in the future.

        martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

        About pets, love and friendship ...

        In my life I've only had one pet, it was a dog, a wonderful dog, what race? Deutscher Schäferhund, the race comes from Germany. The dog, named Donkan, came home in the same year when I born, 1998, so I can say that really we grew up together. 
        Cane da pastore tedesco adulto.jpgWhy I loved him? by a lot of things, first because was my companion mischief, also it was affectionate. Then when we were bigger and the mischief already passed, my dog was so quiet, when we took a walk, the dogs were barking and my pet not worried, not even barked back. Sometimes I climbed on his back and used it as a horse, so bad!, but in spite of everything, we loved each other.
        If they didn't realize, my dog is died...

        Changing the subject, if I could choose any animal in the world, I choose the tiger, it's so beautiful, also is big and fierce. 

        PD: The dog of the photo is not my pet, but is similar, the only difference that my dog was more bigger

        martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

        A photograph you like

        Choosing only one photograph is a little bit difficult, because there are so many beautiful photos, and each of them have someting special, something that makes you feel happy, sad, or in peace.
        Today my favourite photo was taken two weeks ago, exactly on may 15, only it was taken with a cell, and the author of the photo is my friend, named Natalia. Well in the photo appears a girl, and that girl am I, in a park. What I like most is that the photo, illustrate how happy I was at that time, and also the beauty of nature, by the way I love the nature, It is one of the most wonderful creations of the universe, and the humans are destroying the nature, that is essential for live.
        Returning to the principal topic, every time when I see that photo, I remember that day. And that happens with every photo that I see. The photos are the most precious memories.

        "The most beautiful pictures are those that will generate memories. Even if you haven't even lived"                 Hersson Piratoba.

        lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

        About books and films ...

        I really love read books, and if you ask me what is my favourite book?, I am not sure, but now my favourite book is "Game of thrones" written by George R.R. Martin, the first time I read it, was last year, and it is a book that grabs you from the start. Well the story unfolds in the legendary world of the Seven Kingdoms, where summers can last decades and winter all life, in the Lord Stark and his family will be stuck in a conflict which unleashed betrayal, revenge, love and loyalty. Is a book 100% recommended for lovers of fantasy

        My favourite film is "La vita è bella" is an amazing film, is about an Italian Jewish bookstore owner, who must use his fertile imagination to protect his young son from the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp. If you really like the dramatic comedy, you should watch this movie, has a wonderful story.

        martes, 26 de abril de 2016

        My favourite piece of technology

        Choose only one piece of technology maybe it could be difficult, but I think that my favourite is the smartphone, because is a device in which you can do many things, like listen to music, be in social networks, watch videos and movies, when you are bored you downloads a game and there you go, take photos and edit them, among other things.

        When I entered the high school my parents gave me my first smartphone, but after a while I dropped it to the toilet, and they passed similar things with the other smartphones that came, Bad luck? I don´t think so

        Today I use my smartphone for everything, when I need information for something, I go to Google, when I'm bored I see my favourite series in netflix.

        What life would be like without it? I would have no reason to live, I would feel empty and I feel that this world is not for me... don't worry I'm just kidding. The life will remain the same.

        martes, 19 de abril de 2016

        Why did you choose your career?

        Throughout primary school, my dream of job was be a doctor, I wanted help the people, but it was not until high school that I realized I was not made for be a doctor. In the high school I met the chemistry and biology, from that moment I decided when I finish the school I was going to study Chemistry. My decision it was firm, but in the moment of applying to universities I change my decision, what I really wanted was to be a scientist dedicated to research.

        Now I study Biochemistry, until the moment the career is wonderful, is another world, the classes are interesting, and I have laboratory, at school we never went because there was no time. I hope to get the title and continue studying, maybe do the doctorate, and also to work on research.

        martes, 12 de abril de 2016

        Getting to know each other

        About me? Well, my name is Sofía Sandoval, I'm 18 years old. I was born on 29-January-1998. My family is integrated for my parents, my grandmother and my sisters and brothers, we live in Santiago, Chile. I studied in Colegio Arturo Toro Amor, where I enjoyed amazing moments and I made excellent friends. What I am doing now? I'm study Biochemistry in U. Chile, and I think that it was an wonderful decision, because I really love the science, especially the biology and the chemistry, and this career has everything that I want, if I finish this career I hope to continue studying and also work in investigative ambbito.
        Other things about me? I LOVE the chocolate. My favourite animal is the tigger, and the orange is my favourite color. Also my favourites films are "Confessions of a Shopaholic", "Clueless" and "The hobbit". ,I am a music lover, I like listen Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Imagine Dragons, Charlie Puth, The Beach Boys, and many other singers.
        In my freetime, I see a lot of series in netflix, like "Teen wolf", "House M. D." among others. Besides I like read books of romance like "Anna and the french kiss" and of fantasy like "Game of thrones".